FOSS: India 2023 - Notes
Sree Venkat / 2024-06-30
Day 1
- Akash Hamirvasya
- Automata theory
- Vyaakaran is a web tool, that can be used structurally visualise and interact with automata
- PES innovation lab
Build with Hussain
- Started off as a teaching assistant
- Joined frappe as an engineer
- After a while back to blogs on how to use frappe
- Then started teaching on YT after a lot of forethought
- Swept off by the feedback
- Now running build with Hussain as a separate channel
O11Y and OTEL
- OTEL is one of the many CNCF projects
- OTEL is a combination of OpenTracing and OpenCensus
- Observability Driven Development
- Crossed 55k stars on GH
- Got awarded in the lambda teat conf
- Calendar based versioning
- 3X growth on teams, collections and usage
- Desktop App that is fast [wonder what is the framework?]
- Auto generated test cases from specs and schema
- Captures network calls from application environment and replays the scenario
- Deduplicates test on code paths
- Can be self hosted
- Tagline: Vulnerability db should not be vulnerable
- Vulnerability databases are often contradictory to each other on
- Severity
- Flagged versions
- Vulnerability databases are closed source
- Hard to identify if a vulnerable package is being used actively or passively by another package which is a dependency
- What is different about VulnerableCode
- Packages are a first class citizen
- When a version is flagged other packages that are potentially affected are also identified down to the specific version/subversion that is vulnerable
- Use package uri
pkg:pypi/[email protected]
aka Purl - PurlDb: Everything about a package
- vers: Simple naming spec for representing versions that are un/safe.
vers: >0.0.5|1.0.0-1.0.4|!0.8
- Vulntotal: Comparison engine for vulnerability databases [PoC]
Tattle >> Uli >> Open Source AI
- Foundation and Base models enable downstream domains
- Not a very clear distinction b/w open and closed models published recently
- GPT2 was initially restricted but was released when another academic group recreated most of it
- Open AI is now fully closed despite having open in its name
- OSS AI: For AI to be OSS data, model, code and documentation must be open
Build Hardware in OSS
- Allegro/Altium - PCB layout tool
- Proprietary tools Solid works / CATIA
- Reliable since smallest mistake can cost 5k$ and 4-5 weeks of shipment delay
- Significant automation available
- Talent available in tools since companies are large
- KiCAD - OSS EDA tool
- OSS benefits
- 3 different proprietary tools are under one workdlow
- Community Support
- Free from licensing
- 3D visualisation
- Upper hand over larger companies since tools are available and production is feasible thanks to China
- Maker movement
- Smart Terminal: Product that allows multiple people share a single compute source. Cost effective and sustainable for schools instead of each kid having a device.
Plane Project Management
- Django/ NextJS stack with Postgres and redis
- Supports various data formats all the way from charts, gantts to spreadsheets
- Can be self hosted
Custom Load Balancer
- Focused on handling HTTP traffic and not TCP traffic
- Envoy: CNCF project built in C
- Summary: A custom implementation using Envoy where we can implement routing algorithms and filter chains as per the requirement
- Benefits: Can choose the rite type of instance, cost optimisation, scaling as per business requirement